Disaster Strikes!
I misremembered how much Sea Silk I needed for the Convertible shawl, and then further miscalculated for gauge differences, and then procrastinated going back to Lettuce Knit for the rest of the yarn in the same colourway that they had in stock. Guess who’s taking the “Math for Knitters” course at the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festival next time?
My patient and loving husband was good enough to drive me all over the city comparing skeins on Saturday, to no avail. The closest skein looked like a knitted bruise next to the golden subtleties of my shawl. The shopkeeper at The Naked Sheep suggested I contact Fleece Artist and – lo and behold – they asked me to mail them a length of what I have and they will see what they can do.
Question is: Will the new yarn arrive in time for me to finish Convertible in time for our trip to France at the end of September? And if not, will KLM allow me to knit on the plane? Only time will tell, I guess. I am strategizing as we speak.
It’s been a while since I posted, due to the strains of my day job, but I did take some nice photos while we were up visiting my parents for Civic Holiday weekend recently.
Here you can see the shawl on my parent’s beach, enjoying a bottle of mead by the Ottawa River:
We had some company on the beach, the shawl and I. Sufa, one of our cats, came to see what on earth I was doing to make my mother call down to see if I had fallen over (I was trying to get a good shot of the shawl).
A while later, Michael arrived.
As the sun weakened, the flies chased us in. It seems the deer flies have crossbred with the houseflies to make a wicked hybrid that looks harmless but has the same big choppers. Note the flyswatter on Michael’s chair.
We had a fire that night; fires are big fun where I come from.
My poor camera skills yielded a fun result: the cool fire. A good deal of my pictures of the Saturday night Man burn at Burning Man last year turned out like this.
The drive home yielded a few inches of progress on the shawl, and it was then I realized my predicament after a glance at the shrinking ball. While I wait for a response from Fleece Artist, I guess I’ll have to address one of the UFOs. But which one? I have decided I don’t like the way the lace camisole KidSilk Haze was knitting up, in stripes, rather like fuzzy lacy pyjamas. Not the look I’m going for.
Today’s Earworm: Minor Earth, Major Sky by a-ha
mmmm seasilk.
I think between you and Kelly F I just may need to break out the seasilk myself one of these days soon.
Not An Artist, at 9:37 p.m.
Maybe we can make a sacrifice of acrylic yarn to the knitting goddess in hopes she will smile good fortune on you. And if that doesn't work, at least we will have gotten rid of some nasty yarn :-).
shyknitter, at 3:02 p.m.
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